2018 Channellings

Heel jezelf (engels)

      15 June 18 MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_0 = [ { name: "15 June 18", formats: ["m4a"], mp3: "aHR0cDovL3d3dy5hbGNhemFyc2N1YmUuY29tL3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy8yMDE5LzA2LzE1LUp1bmUtMTgtMS5tNGE=", counterpart:"", artist: "", image: "", imgurl: "" } ]; MP3jPLAYERS[0] = { list: MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_0, tr:0, type:'single', lstate:'', loop:false, play_txt:'     ', pause_txt:'     ', pp_title:'', autoplay:false, download:false, vol:100, height:'' };

Cultivate your joy! 3 sept.2017

Greetings, this Is Alcazar, Light Being. Today I want to talk about joy. How can you define joy? We perhaps each have our own definition of what joy is, but we all know what it is when we experience it. Moments of joy can be fleeting and many people can …